BPIS, BISS, Multiple BVIS, Am/Grand Champion Ch. Windchaser's Still The Same "Seiko"

Seiko is one of those dogs that comes along once in a lifetime. Now only the sweetest and most kindest Malamute I have ever bred, but she radiates her love to all those that know and love her through her children and grandchildren. It's hard to believe she'll be 11 years old the summer of 2012. Pictured with Andrea Ste. Jhourré taking Best Veteran in Show at the X-Cel Center, St. Paul, 2011. She went on to take two more Best in Specialty Best Veteran in Shows in 2012. She then acquired the Prestigious Grand Champion Title with the AKC.

BPIS, BISS, Multiple BVIS,  Am/Grand Champion Ch.  Windchaser's Still The Same